
A day in snapshots...

When the kids were little, I captured one of our days in snapshots.  The kids and I still go back and reminisce about those days and photos so I thought I would do a snapshot in our elementary years just to remember...
Wednesday  May 1, 2019:
500am get up and run 4 miles before the kids get up.
It's my time to pray and take that time with Jesus before the day gets going...
545am: get home and pack their lunches and start breakfast:
Drink first of many cups of coffee:
635am-740am: Kids eat breakfast and get dressed and get ready for school.  Their Mia and Papa spent the night since I worked the day before and they took them to school:
745am-850am: Shower, clean up the morning stuff, eat breakfast, start laundry, and get ready for counseling.
900am-10am: Counseling.
1000am-1230pm: Finish any cleaning and straightening, eat lunch, get stuff prepped for life group and then watch a show while I tackle loads of laundry:
1230pm: On my way to get the kids from early let out day, I stop by our library to get a book that has been on hold.  It's one of our favorite local spots:
 1245pm-120pm: Wait for kids to get out of school.
I get there early every time because if you are late, it takes FOREVER to get out.
I might have OCD about it...
200pm: Take the kids to their dentist appointments:
Eden got a referral for the orthodontist because she is missing adult teeth.  
400pm: Head home to grab dinner and get the house set before life group:
630pm: Life group comes over, we make peeps s'mores and the adults talk and pray together while the kids play in the backyard
930pm: Kids are showered and in bed, house is cleaned up, uniforms are set out the for next day and we unwind while reading and talking in bed until 1100pm:
We feel like we are going all day and when the day comes to a close, it is certainly nice to crawl in bed.  It's funny how the day isn't filled with anything super special, but when you put it all together, it feels like the most important, spectacular life ever.  The phrase "The days are long and the years are short" could not be more appropriate for how life feels right now, and from the mundane to the special, My prayer is that I would see it all as the sacred blessing that it is...❤︎