
Christmas morning goodness

We got the kids on Christmas Eve and brought them home so that we could have christmas morning in our home, with our traditions.
We set everything out for Santa the night before:
 And look what we found the next morning!
We had cinnamon rolls and we sang happy birthday to Baby Jesus!
Then, with mugs full of coffee, we headed for stocking and presents:
(We put this fireplace "movie" on from Netflix and it feels so cozy.  The irnoy is not lost on us that we HAVE a fireplace.  To each his own...❤︎)
Ryder's teacher gave every kiddo Christmas books to open:
 And he got his Broncos beanie... 
 Light sabers were also the favorite gift for him this year.
The force is strong with this one...
Eden's favorite gift was a Belle dress:
 And additions to her princess collection.  Everyone went to a Christmas tea that was located conveniently at the top of our stairs...
Kit got hunting toys and books and I was given a tool making set and amazing work out stuff and a coloring devotional by Margaret Feinberg.
A very special "gift" that we were given was that our friend who babysits on Thursday afternoons wrote notes with the kids and placed them in our stocking...
We found out later that it had been Ryder's idea.
I melted...❤︎
 It was such a sweet morning.  I love that we continue to create the precious memories in our home!