
13 years...

Today marks the 13 year anniversary of walking down the isle and committing our lives to each other, in front of God, our friends, and our family.  We were engaged at 21 and married at 22 and I look back and realize that even though we had dated for almost 5 years, we were still SO YOUNG!  
I have heard people describe their anniversary as the birthday of their family.  It really is so true! So happy anniversary/birthday to us, Kit Rae! I am so thankful for who you are and how you lead our family and all the ways that you make life richer and even more amazing.  If you asked me my favorite thing about marriage, I would say that being married to your best friend, who also is the love of your life, who knows you, so much better than you sometimes even know yourself... There is nothing in the world that it better than having that connection with another human being and getting to live life everyday together.
I love you Kit, to the moon and back...❤︎