
I want to do it myself!

Recently, our little guy has really been showing us that he is growing up with one main attribute: Independence! (AKA: I want to do it myself!)
Whether it's with feeding himself (which he is getting pretty good at) to buckling himself into his own car seat (which he does NOT know how to do) he wants to do it himself and he DOES NOT want our help. We have actually had to have talks about him hitting our hands away if we try to jump in and give him assistance. He is his dad and I know that it is such a great thing, however, it does have some drawbacks. For example: he thinks that he can mow the lawn by himself. He thinks he can edge, mow, and use the power blower, all without our help. And without fail, when he realizes that he can't do it, he is INCREDIBLY frustrated. I feel so sorry for our little man.
Kit and I hope that he keeps this excitement for yard work up when he is actually old enough to have mowing the lawn be part of his responsibility list.
(Hey, a parent can dream!)