We are back and we had a wonderful time with our family. It was our niece and Ryder's first Christmas and it was so fun to watch them take it all in. It was very relaxed, which it really hasn't been in years passed. The way that Christmas fell this year, we had church services on Friday and Sunday so traveling anywhere was pretty challenging. So we took advantage of being home on Christmas Eve morning and really enjoyed some family time. We made waffles and opened our gifts to each other and did our stockings and drank our coffee and just sat and enjoyed the quiet moments together as a family. It was such a precious time and I will always remeber the first Christmas that we had Ryder with us.
These were my favorites of our Christmas Eve:
Our little tree with our favorite ornaments...

Ryder enjoying his Aunt Mallory and Uncle Andrew's wrapping job and present:
(That hat is just waiting for a photo shoot...)
(Ps: how do you like that shiner from our little man learning to crawl... We know that will not be his last. He is fearless!)
And these were the favorites of our time with my family:
We got to spend a little bit of time with my grandma on Christmas. That was a really special time too. Ryder was just full of big smiles and giggles for her...
I hope that this was a holiday that you were able to enjoy traditions, old and new, and that you were surrounded with people that you love along the way...
We are spending the next few days at our home with Kit's parents. We are really looking forward to it...
See you in a couple of days!