
May books...

 This month has flown by!  Here were some books I was able to read this month:

I loved the continuation of Anne of Green Gables.  I love the spunk of the characters that she has created and how simple the stories really are.  I have really enjoyed the extended adventures for sure!
I love any book that looks at how we can draw closer to to Jesus, and in part, how we can be changed and formed in his presence and through his spirit.  I am so grateful for Rich's words and tools that he gave in this book.  I would highly recommend it!
This book by John Mark Comer discusses the lies that we believe and live into from the devil, the world, and the flesh, and how those lies pull us from the peace and joy and fullness of life that God has for us.  It was inspiring and though provoking and I really enjoyed reading and thinking through it and being challenged by it.
This book was a fun read that was suspenseful with twists and the story line was enjoyable to follow.  I enjoyed the story line and the development of a step-mom and daughter relationship as the try to put together pieces of a family history. 
I loved this book by Nijay Gupta about women in the bible and how they led their communities, taught and ministered to those in the early church and set an example of what it is to do those things well!  It was eye opening and fascinating to learn so many new things and perspectives, culturally and theologically. I would HIGHLY recommend it!