
Eden's Fifth Grade Promotion and the last day of school...

 On Friday, the last day of school,  Eden had her promotion from fifth grade, meaning that we now have 2 middle schoolers.  She felt very celebrated!  But first, photos:

We had the dad's get there early to save seats.  They were first in line and that was so fun!
During her promotion, they had the parents stand up who were here with their youngest child, and were then finished with elementary school.  I cried.  I really love this school...
Our teacher was the best!
Also, Eden's kindergarten teacher and second grade teacher came to watch the graduation.  They are bioth retired and still came to celebrate our kiddos!
Eden and Ryder's first grade teacher is battling cancer and still came to celebrate our kids!
Our fourth grade teacher celebrated Eden as well and we just loved her!
It was a sweet celebration time...
Yes, I brought the letter boards because I just can't help myself...❤︎
Clapping out our fifth graders:
We finished the day by eating lunch with close friends:
It was such a sweet day as we closed out the chapter of having elementary school kids... I just can't believe that we are done.  She is ready for what is coming and I am so excited for her!  Her brother is ready to love on her as she starts this next phase of life!