
Back to School Dinner

At the beginning of every school year, we pick theme and verse for the year that we hold to as a family.  We have done this since Ryder started preschool.  There is so much that is different about the beginning of this school year, so it is even more important to us to have these traditions in place that allow us to recalibrate asa family as we face all that is ahead...
Our theme for this year is:
 "We know that He is not distant."
I know that this can seem cliche and but if we have ever needed the reminder of this truth, it's today.
Isaiah 41:10:
"Don't be afraid, for I am with you.
Don't be discouraged, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you.
I will hold you up with my victorious right hand."
So we pulled out our special placemats and decorations to make it special.
We ordered our favorite Mexican food:
We talked about the year and then we prayed for them, for their friends, for their teachers, for technology, for our principal, and for all this that we we will come in contact with this year, socially distanced, of course...❤︎
Our prayer is those that we get to interact with would see hope and peace in our lives because we can proclaim that He is not distant, and that He is with us...