
While dad was away...

...there were so many fun things that we had gong on!
On Friday, after I had my CPR class, it was family lunch the kids school!
 I watched this kid play basketball with his friends and it was so fun to see him in his element!
 This little girl is the friendliest person ever!  I love watching her with her friends!
On Saturday morning at 730a, we headed to the soccer fields for our first game of the day:
 They won 2-1 and Ryder had a goal.  Such fun game!
Then from there we headed to our ballfields for our capping ceremony:
 The kids love this coach and Kit is so excited to assist again.  The kids fell right into their routine of structure!
 We really love this man!
Then we grabbed a quick lunch and headed down to Newport for our last All Star game!
We lost but it was such a great game! 
 They really got so close in the relatively short time that they were together!
 We love our coaches!
 Then we headed for pizza, because that is just what you do!
 And it's all about the tickets and the games and the tiny toys that you get to take home!
This kid was so hyped up on sugar and adrenaline in this photo!
 And then the coaches affirmed each kiddo.  
It was such a sweet time!
I love what each of these seasons mean for our family.  I love the families that have become friends for all of us.  Eden loves the other little sisters in the group and they have the best time together!
What a blessing this time of life is for our whole family!