
Happy New Year 2019!

It is a new year, a new decade and we are so excited about it!  I worked yesterday and I so I had everything ready to celebrate last night after I got home from work:
We generally celebrate on New York time and with getting home at about 8pm, I had just enough time to be here for the festivities!
Our Neighborhood rented out Rock N Jump from 6-9p. There was jumping and music and pizza and a count down with balloons!
The kids had such a fun time!
 We loved getting to be with neighbors that we love and getting to make new friends!
 Then they came home to a very tired mommy, but we were ready to end this year and start the new one together... In all of our silliness! 
 Welcome 2020!  We are so glad that you are here and we are so excited for all that you hold!