

When we eat meals together, we have been starting off our dinner conversations with three things that we are thankful for, desiring to cultivate hearts of gratitude and thankfulness.
I was surprised how many simple things can come to mind.  I will always be thankful for my Jesus, Kit, my babies, and family and friends that love us and that we get to love. But there were so many more things that I wan't really acknowledge.  I decided to take little snap shots of things that we do on a regular basis that can be taken for granted, that are reminders of things that bring my heart joy and are things that I never want to forget are things to be grateful for.
(in no particular order...)
I am able to send my kids to school with a full belly, lunches that will give them energy, and dinners that make it so they don't have to go to bed hungry.  It's amazing how meal prep, making lunches and meal planning can be forgotten as truly being a gift.
 The health of my kids:
We can do activities together, and they can participate in sports and school and girl scouts and use their bodies and minds to their full capacities. After our buddy Jack went to be with Jesus, there is even more a realization to not take this for granted...
Our Home:
These walls provide and environment for our family to rest and to just be us.  It creates a space for us to invite people in and where we can create family memories and traditions that will stay with us for years to come. It is a shelter. It is a space that is peaceful and has neighbors that we love and is near our church community and friends.  It is not lost on Kit and I what a privilege it is that we get to own a home and we are so grateful that we get to call this little corner of the world ours...
 My Job/Provision:
I sit in the parking lot before I start my shift, and pray for the day.  I pray for the patients I will care for, the co workers that I will work with and the day ahead.  I rarely tell Jesus thank you for providing a job that allows me to only work 4 days a month and make an incredible salary.
2019 was all about mental health and it has been an incredible blessing.  I never want to take those Wednesday mornings for granted!
The list of things I am grateful go could go on, but I wanted to create this moment to stop and remember and in doing so, acknowledge God's goodness and love.