
Back to School Dinner

Last Friday we had out back to school dinner for the kids.  We pick a verse and theme for the year, we pray over our kids, their friends, people that might be hard for them to get along with, their principal, and their teachers.  We talk about how loved they are by their family and friends and that God is with them always.
So first we decided to make spaghetti and meatballs together:
Last year we had chosen a passage from Mark 12 that we had two goals: 1. love God and 2. love others.  This year we expanded it by adding the passage in Galatians and talking about the "Fruits of the Spirit", and praying over our kids that those "Fruits" would be evident in their lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
We ask what they are the most excited about, and if there are things that make them nervous.
Generally the things our kids are excited about is seeing their friends and they get nervous about how hard they think some things might be with class subjects.
(Though Ryder does so well in school, the idea of tests make him a little nervous and Eden is nervous that she will have a hard time reading...)
In addition to praying for the school year, their friends, their minds, and their teachers and principal,  our prayer for our kids is that they would be loving and kind, and that they would bring peace and joy with gentleness to everyone they come in contact with.  We prayed that they  would know who God has created them to be and that they would know how INCREDIBLY loved they are.
This evening is so important for our family and our kids before school starts.  It sets the trajectory for the year and recalibrates us as a family to who we are and who we feel God has created us to 
Tomorrow starts a new school year and we are ready for all that the year holds. 2018-2019 school year, the Raes are ready for you!