
Time with Mia and Papa!

Kit has been on a work trip this week and we for a few days we had out Mia and Papa come out to be with us to cover me if I worked or was on call.  It was just what we needed!
Ryder got a new game for his birthday and he and Papa played it SO MUCH!
They took me to breakfast while I was on call and the kids were in school and we had such amazing conversations.
They took Eden to make a sewing project for she and her doll:
(I can't wait to see how it comes out!)
And of course they helped us with the morning routine:
They play games, make meals do school drop off and pick ups, they give em a hand with projects and most importantly, LOVE on us is HUGE ways!  We love you Mia and Papa!
Thank you for how you love us...❤︎