
His Birthday Request...

In lieu of a party, Ryder had requested that he go on an overnight camping trip with his dad.  They did a backpacking trip last year in May.  This weekend, since it was still rainy and snowy where they wanted to go, they decided to go to the family cabin in Shaver Lake and spend the weekend having mini adventures: hiking fishing, playing games, watching movies in sleeping bags, BB gun shooting, fort building... Just having some fun with some very special people:
Having these two best friends take their two sons that had birthdays 10 days apart was such a treat!
When they first met...
 And reenacting the same photo 8 years later...❤︎
 Some snap shots that we were sent:

 These guys had the BEST TIME!
It was so fun to hear about it from Ryder's perspective...
These are the absolute highlights of Ryder's year!❤︎