
Super observant home owners...

We had been in our house for about a year before I realized that something wasn't installed correctly in our upstairs bathrooms... Can you see what it is?
The cabinet doors are fine and will last us awhile until we are ready to redo/update the bathrooms, but the mismatched doors have driven me crazy for about 2 years now.  I blame it on my OCD.
They also did it in our master bathroom:
(This is the grainiest picture from when we moved in, but you get the idea.)
On our bathroom, they decided to do each cabinet differently.  
So we finally took them off and made them go the right way:
 I used the tiny bit of white dap on the old handle hole. 
It's funny how something that was free and easy to do took us so long to finally get checked off the list!
Just as a reminder for me to be thankful, here is the bathrooms when we moved in:
The Master:
It's probably understandable why I was distracted to the cabinets being mismatched...❤︎
I love this house and that we get to call it our home!