
Our Holiday 2017

We are BACK!  What an incredible week it was to unplug and spend time together!  It's been fun to go through photos of the last week...
Christmas Eve was spent with our church:
Eden helped our life group friends be greeters...
It was a beautiful time to celebrate and remember the birth of Jesus and all that gives us reason to REJOICE!
Little snap shots of our Christmas at home:
Setting things out for Santa:
Look who came! 
(I love this age and all that comes with it! Everything from singing happy birthday to Jesus with cinnamon rolls to the fact they believe in Santa so the wonder and the magic is still there on Christmas morning...)
These presents were also from our Rae family that we weren't able to be with this year...
My goodness we were spoiled!
My sister-in-law got me this letter board!
We headed to Redlands to be with my parents and the Rosies!  The Rosies headed out to Columbia on the 26th.  It was sweet to be together before they left.
Guess who got Watch Your Mouth game? 
 We also played family feud...
It was a sweet time to be together before the Rosies headed off to Colombia on the 26th.
This year I was scheduled to work New Years Eve and New Years Day.
But we still tried to have some fun in there too.
(I will be honest, I haven't worked two in a row since I had Ryder and I was TIRED!)
While I worked New Years Day, Kit took the kids to the beach to ride bikes and eat at Charlie's...
This was an incredible holiday season and I am so thankful for all that we were able to experience as a family!  2018, we are so happy that you are here and we are looking forward to many adventures together!❤︎