
Don't go, Christmas vacation!

Today is our last day of Chritmas vacation.  With the holiday and work and people being sick, our days were beautifully low key.  
Making fresh orange juice from our tree for our mornings to go with doughnuts:
Eating at Avila's for our kick off to Christmas vacation:
Playing countless games by the tree:
Consuming countless cups of cocoa in my favorite childhood christmas mugs:
Eating things like berry cobbler for breakfast... 
(and maybe putting ice cream on it too):
I felt like markers were out the entire break for various projects:

Watching movies all snuggled up together, while we did things like face masks and tiny manicures:
No uniforms for us...
 We baked cinnamon raisin bread!
And even things that we had to do, like making a trip to Costco was so much better together, of course because we said yes to pizza and smoothies...
He's always in school!
There was time to create and color and play play dough and dress up and practice baseball in the park.   We laughed and read books, learned new jokes (watch out everyone...), watched football and organized baseball cards.  We drew comics, played Madden, baked bread, and ate A LOT of tacos. We rode bikes, colored countless coloring pages...
The ability to be slow and deliberate and relaxed made life so good.  It's what we all needed...  
Don't go, Christmas vacation... We aren't ready yet. 
You have been so good to us!