
St Patrick's Day 2017

Last Friday was St. Patrick's day and there were a few Irish happenings that made the day special:
We took Ryder and Eden's photos in their headbands...
(It just seems like yesterday that we were here:)
 And then Eden had her St. Patrick's day parade at preschool:
 They did music and then their Irish music teacher taught them a jig...
 She was SO excited because she got to be there with kit, myself, and her Grandi, and Monkey Papa!
We had a wedding to attend and so they headed to Rockin' Jump for a fun evening together!
The next day, after house projects and a day at the ball field, we got to go to such a fun dinner together:
 I don't know about the Luck of the Irish, but I DO know that we LUCKED OUT with the grandparents that we have on our lives!