
Mother's Day recap 2016

Mother's day brought such sweetness to my heart.  I woke up to the kids showering me with home made gifts and beautiful flowers.  
They had made their Mother's Day video of questions and we watched together while I woke up with a cup of coffee.
Ryder pulled out a gift that he had made in school:
The sweetest thing about this gift was that it was sent home on Friday afternoon, after the kids had been working on it over the last week.  Before we got home on Friday from school, I was instructed that I could not go into his backpack, that there was something REALLY special that he needed to hide and then asked me for ideas on where to hide it.  After I gave him some ideas of places, I was asked to wait in the garage while he hid it.
He came out with a huge smile and said
"You have to wait until Mother's Day, but I promise you will LOVE it!"
I absolutely did...
Then we headed to church:
 Eden made this for me in her class:
 And there was a card making station where Ryder made me this:
While Kit worked at the second  church service, the kids and I went to lunch:
After which Eden took a nap and Ryder and I played catch in the backyard for close to an hour.
 dusting of my junior high mit...
Ryder could not have been sweeter with how he was "coaching" me on my throws and catches...
I asked if I could be on his team and he said I would make a better coach...
Kit made dinner:
 And the kids tolerated some pictures for me...❤︎
We ate like kings:
The day was so full of thoughtfulness and love and I walked away with a grateful heart for this gift of motherhood!