
Before and After: Eden and Ryder's Room

This weekend marked one week of living in our new house.  We have tackled some pretty big projects, with lots of help from our family.  So I thought I would give you a little tour of each room this week.  We are a work in progress and we still have so much to do, but with each little project, we feel more and more like we are home!
So today, I wanted to show youth kids rooms.  These were our top priority, and we were so excited to have them  finished.
Eden's room was the first room that we tackled.  It's amazing what some paint and new carpet can do!
(It has the same layout as her old room and set up.  She loves it!)
Here is Ryder's room.
It was the best thing ever getting to show the kiddos their new room.  They both loved their spaces and they were so sweet with how they explored all their things and where things were.