
Holiday recap part 2

On December 29, we headed up to be with Kit's family in Shaver Lake!
There was so much snow!  It was the kids first time in snow so Ryder had so much fun in it!
We went sledding and skiing!
This was Ryder's first time on skis and he did so well!  I am thankful that he has his father's coordination!
 Ryder loved being with his papa!
 Eden and I had some fun going down together!
With it being so cold outside, there were lots of sweet moments being together inside by the fire:
We tuckered Ryder out!
Ryder learned how to play poker, or as he called it, "chips":
Kit's mom made an amazing dinner for New Years:
 On New Years Eve we shared as a family the highs and lows of the last year, what goals we have for 2013 and what we are looking forward to in the new year!  We had such amazing conversation and community as a family.  We shared that our high was Eden, and watching Ryder as a big brother, and my low was the struggle of parenting two kiddos and their needs and nurturing their hearts while trying to find balance.  My goal for the year is to have people over on a regular basis and continue to find balance with a growing family. I am looking forward to a 10 year anniversary trip with Kit later this year♥. 
It was great to hear from our family and share and have vulnerability and transparency with one another!  
It was a really special time.
We had an amazing time and look forward to many more memories together as a family!
We love you all♥!