
sick days...

Kit got back from his retreat yesterday and I was so thankful, for many reasons, but I was particularly happy to hand over care of Ryder since I had a full blown case of sinusitis and the flu. I spent most of last night in our urgent care so that I could get some antibiotics on board sooner than later. I have to say, being sick while taking care of a littler person is so hard! I know that sounds like the most moronic observation, but seriously, I was having a hard time holding my head up from the sinus pressure and realized that I still needed to feed, change and care for our little man. I kept setting up play zones around our house near our couch, and our bed so that he could play while I was laying down. Ryder was such a trooper! He even took THREE naps yesterday... I was so thankful when Kit could take over. I am hoping that this flu goes away sooner than later, poor Kit is having to pull double duty!

Thank you Kit for taking such good care of BOTH of us, and not just when we are sick...