I was watching Ryder play the other day and I realized how fast time goes, even though some days seem so long at times... I watch Ryder and I can't help wishing that I could just stop time, this brief precious time that we have together seems like it is flying by and I so badly want to take it all in and appreciate it's sweetness. Our days are very relaxed (no matter how rushed or stressed I seem to make them...) we get to just be together, and at the end of the day, things get done. I used to ask my friends who had kids, (this was pre-Ryder), what their days looked like and it was always a little hard for my friends to give me a schedule or a set in stone routine... well news flash, they had kids, which meant so many days you go by the seat of your pants.

So for the sake that I love looking back and remembering, here is what a day looks like for us right now:
between 530-6am: Ryder wakes up after sleeping through the night. I change his diaper, feed him and put him back down. (During his teething time, he would wake up at 2am on the dot for a dose of tylenol and some milk.)
9am: Ryder wakes up, I change him, nurse him and then feed him breakfast in his high chair while we either watch his favorite YouTube videos (Lady bug picnic...) or we listen to music while I tackle my first cup of coffee and some toast.
10am: We both get dressed for the day and run any errands we need to get done. (Mornings always works better for us on being out and getting things done. There is usually a trip to Target involved...)
We then come back and play in his room with his blocks and his toys and sometimes I read to him while he plays and sometimes we wants to sit on my lap and interact with me...
Between 1145 and noon: He eats and then goes down for his nap. I clean up after breakfast, do my general clean and straightening, laundry, check emails, and blog. I then will sit with a book or watch favorite TV reruns on our DVR.
230p: little man wakes up, he is changed, I feed him and then give him lunch. We then play in his room some more or we go for a walk or we might tackle another errand that we weren't able to tackle in the morning. We also plan dinner.

6pm: Kit gets home, and we all eat dinner and catch up on our day. It's turned into a tradition where we do this family hug when Kit walks in the door, and Ryder LOVES it! Kit and I kiss and then we will look down at Ryder and he is just one big toothy smile looking back at us...
7p: We finish dinner and clean the kitchen and start the bath. After his bath we will sit with him in his room and talk about the day or we sit on our couches while he plays and we talk. There has been lots of chase and crawling around and that has been so much fun!
830p: he is in bed. Kit puts him to bed and when I do it, Kit feels like I have taken HIS job away...
I love how the days lend themselves to such sweet moments and memories and I am so thankful that I get to be there for them...