
Got milk?

A little update on our last week.
(Thank you for all of you that have checked in to see how it is going.)
Well, we have had a little bit of, lets say, feeding issues at our house recently. Over the past week, our little man has been spitting up quite a bit after feedings. He isn't fussy, but you can tell that he just can't possibly digest all the milk that he was getting from our feedings. Well, after weight and diaper checks and monitoring pumping volumes, it turns out that my poor little guy was getting almost triple what he should be at this age from me. So it turns out that I was, unintentionally, overfeeding our baby. Our doctor was so reassuring and encouraging, and I guess, as a new Italian mother, this will not be the first time that I want to make sure that our baby gets enough to eat, but it was pretty rough there for awhile. I kept thinking it was something I ate or that I wasn't burping enough, or correctly.(For a postpartum nurse, that is a pretty depressing thought...) We are getting much better at this whole feeding thing though. Thank you for all of you that have asked about us and checked in to see how we are doing.
It is getting better each day.