
Ryder is 13...

Ryder's birthday fell right before the Easter weekend, but we got to celebrate him and I never want to miss out on opportunities to document these moments and traditions!❤︎
The day started with doughnuts on his first birthday plate, our birthday banners that we have had since his first birthday, birthday balloons and lots of singing... 
He headed to school where people brought his favorite candy and gift cards and classes sang to him in each period.  I was so thrilled that he felt celebrated throughout the day...
That evening we had his open house and a welcome meeting for incoming 6th graders at his school, so we headed to that before we ended the evening at Avila's.  
I can't believe she will be in middle school...
Avila's is a family favorite and since we go there for celebrations, it feels special each time...
I just can't believe we have a teenager!
For his birthday, he has chosen to do a backpacking trip with his dad over the summer and we can't WAIT to make that happen!