
fractures and swabs...

 At Ryder's game on Saturday, September 11, a ball that was kicked at close range hit his hand and caused a fracture.  Initially, I thought that it was just a sprain, but when he woke up on Sunday, it was pretty painful.  So we headed to the urgent care and x-rays confirmed that his right wrist was fractured.  We were at urgent care for almost 2 hours waiting for the radiologist to read our images... 

Then on Tuesday the 14th, we were able to see the orthopedist.  We are to lay low for 3 weeks from intense scrimmages and physical education.  He is to wear is new brace for the next 6 weeks as it continues to heal...
He is a happy camper and I am so happy that he is on the mend!  He was SO happy to be able to practice!
I am reminded each and every time we have appointments like these how thankful and grateful we are for how healthy our family is.  It is a gift that we don't ever want to take for granted!
Also, Eden had a high risk interaction with a covid positive kiddo.  She woke up on Sunday the 12th with a runny nose and mild cough.  So in the midst of all that was happening with Ryder, we also got our little miss swabbed and we were so happy to report that she was negative...
We are getting through all of it!