
Conversations with a middle schooler

 Last Friday, Eden had an after school playdate, so I got time alone with Ryder.  

We ended up making guacamole and talking about all sorts of things.  

Topics that we covered:

-Friends he loves and kids at school that he's learning what NOT to do from...

-Professional athletes and their travel schedules

-Kit and my different parenting styles

-How to delicately handle Eden when she cries

-How much he loves reading The Hunger Games

-How is fantasy league is going

-His class discussions on 9-11

-The bravery of our military, the police and the firefighters that first responded

-Talking after watching videos about flight 93 and crying while watching the recount of Todd Beamer and "Let's Roll"

-How In-N-Out is the best choice for dinner

-How Friday Movie nights are always a good idea...❤︎