

 a.k.a. every house project we have ever tackled!  WE are going to be doing a very large back yard update and each project has caused another project...

Here is our yard:

Here is a close up to the side fences:
Both fences have struggled with recent storms and Santa Ana winds...
Our back trees have started to crack the cinderblock wall with their roots.  So we will be removing the trees and replacing the fence with white vinyl fencing, 6 foot on the sides, 8 feet along the back wall.
These are the following projects to tackle:
~Remove the chicken coup
~Remove side shed
~plant podocarpus trees along the back wall 
~Hardscape the two side gardens boarders
~redo the irrigation
~create space for a fire pit
~build a hangout shed (We are calling it a she shed and I am ok with that...❤︎)
~And wire bistro lights to cover the whole back area
It's a lot of projects and work, but we are really excited for the ability to utilize our backyard in a better way...
While I was at work a couple of Saturdays ago, kit and the kids took down the chicken coup and found new homes for the chickens.  We decided it was easier to have it down prior to tree removal.
Ryder and Eden were SO excited to use power tools:
So the back yard renovation dominoes has begun:
I am excited and a little daunted by the work and Kit is ECSTATIC because he has always hated these trees and has been the one to piece the fence together every time there is a problem...
Here's to the biggest game of dominoes we have played yet...