
While the boys are away...

 Eden and I crafted the day away and enjoyed uninterrupted girl time.  We made an Amazon return at Kohls and we got to ride the escalator... Eden LOVES that thing...

Then we headed for a quick trip for craft supplies...
Then home for HOURS of crafting together...
She got these wooden dolls to paint and she had SO much fun picking out colors to paint their little outfits:

Then we played with perler beads. We made hearts for our upcoming Valentine's Day dinner:
The melting is always the favorite... 
We ended up making 7 hearts total with 1 melted casualty...
After several hours of crafting and watching girly movies that the boys usually don't want to watch, we ended the night with dinner and spa time:
In-N-Out was requested for dinner:
She requested a pink and gold manicure:
And we finished the night with face masks:
The day was filled with such sweet moments of connecting with one another, talking about little things and big things and creating together...  I never want to forget, I think she said thank you for the day at least 20 times... We kept telling each other how much the day meant to each of us... I absolutely love making memories like these and we are already planning our next day of when we can kick the boys out of here so that we can enjoy more one on one time!  I love this girl of mine...❤︎