
The ballerina and the iPhone a.k.a.Halloween 2018 {part 1}

Yesterday the kids had their school halloween parade and class parties.  It is so fun to be with them for all the fun!
We started the morning with pumpkin pancakes:
The iPhone and the ballerina.
We went with the theme of "What I want to be when I grow up." 
Ryder had wanted to be an athlete but couldn't decide which one so we tried to incorporate each of his favorites...
The parade:
 They walk around the school in their classes and grades.
The class time was so low key.  Eden's was a photo booth, fun snacks, longer recess/game time and then playdough crafting and watching the great pumpkin.❤︎
Ryder's class baked muffins and made smoothies, like a fun science time and the kids LOVED it!
I love when I get to be on campus with them! I love their faces and watching them with their friends and seeing what incredible human beings they are and are growing up to be.