
Shaver Lake 2018 part 1

We are back from our incredible time in the mountains.  Our trip was broken into two parts: first was with friends from college and the second was just our family vacation.
But first, we spent time to stop at our favorite tree house:
I don't think I can tell you how much we love this place:
Then our friends arrived. We spent time at and around the cabin:
Nature walks:
 The dads helped make a fort:
We ate dinner on our porch:
Then walked around the pond, watching for frogs and then climbing on rocks:
We spent the next day at the lake:
I really love my husband....
 It was SUCH a fun day with paddle boarding, floats, fishing, swimming, and lots of laughing!
The next day we headed to Indian Pools to stream fish and swim:
 we all brought hammocks and I had some fun hanging out with my girl...
 ...and watching all of the fun!
 We headed home for dinner which was followed by root beer floats and a walk to our favorite meadow to watch for deer:
We didn't see any deer but had so much fun taking pictures:
Over the course of the weekend people arrived and left at different times.  We also got all the kids in one place:
We also managed to get the dads in one place as well:
One family was able to stay until Monday, so we were able to squeeze in one more adventure together. We headed to the McKinley Sequoia grove and to Dinkey creek for moe fishing and swimming:
August marks 20 years of friendship for this group.  We have watched each other fall in love and get married and stand up in each other's weddings.  We have welcomed babies and seen our families grow each year.  We have grieved and celebrated and laughed until our sides hurt. I am thankful that even though we don't get to see each other nearly as much as we would like, we always pick up right where we left off and always have the best time of connection and what it si to be family.
"If you want to go fast, go alone.  If you want to go far, go together." 
-African Proverb
Thank you family for being with us on this journey!  Here is to many more years of going far together!