
Chinese New Year

This year, I am on the helper committee at Ryder's school for Chinese New Year.  It has been a fun learning for me.  I was on the team that helped put together Chinese drums that the kids would be able to decorate.  It was very simple and Eden helped me and I realized this could be an activity for year round fun.  Here is the back ground:
This craft re-creates a traditional Chinese instrument called the Bolang Gu, or pellet drum. This instrument is used in Chinese ritual music and as a children’s toy. The pellet drum is double sided with two heads (front and back) and two pellets connected to the sides. It is played by turning the stick between two hands such that the two pellets swing back and forth and hit the two drum heads. When done correctly, it makes a wonderful rhythmic sound.
So here is our kindergarten version:
 The kids will be decorating them in the classroom:
 I had a very big helper: