
According to Eden...

I have slowly been compiling a little list of words that Eden uses/pronounces that I just don't want to forget.
"Strawbuddie" ~ strawberry
"Messideen" ~ medicine
"Newt chews" ~ fruit chews
"Dern it" ~ darn it (Often said "Dern, Dern, Dern it!")
"Keycrets" ~ secrets
"Shake up" ~ makeup (referring to lip gloss or Chapstick...)
"Nappie Nu" ~ nap time (She will correct you if you don't say it right...)
"Bankie" ~ blankie a.k.a. her BFF
"Andiches" ~ sandwiches
"Pasaghetti" ~ spaghetti (She pretty much calls it pasta)
"Meatmeal" ~ oatmeal
"Deckfast" ~ breakfast
"Vimamins" ~ vitamins
"Pincesses" ~ princesses
"Bocklit chips" ~ chocolate chips
"Boosbase" ~ toothpaste
Here is the best part:  If I don't understand what she said or what she wants, she holds up her little finger to her lips and says,
"Watch my lips..." and then proceeds to say what she had just said louder and slower.
gotta love those speech therapy techniques!♥