
creating: my first "IKEA hack" project

Ok, maybe this isn't a true hack.
On Pinterest, I have been seeing so many creative people taking Ikea furniture and doing some pretty fun stuff with it.  I thought I would give it a try.  My sister and I went a few weeks ago and I found this piece:  the Helmer drawer. It's a metal cabinet painted white, with shiny chrome handles.
 I wanted to put it next to my desk for craft and kid supplies, but next to out really rustic desk, it looked too modern.  I used 60 grit sandpaper and roughed up all the edges to expose the metal underneath.
I painted the handles yellow to match all the yellow accessories on my desk:
It comes with wheels but I decided to save them and leave them off for now.  I think it will be safer with how much Eden loves to climb everything.♥
So here is the finished product:
 I have been having so much fun organizing our craft/learning games.  I haven't put labels on any of the tabs, but I know they will be really easy to change out as needed.
The best part is that it has wheels so I can roll it over to our table when we are working on specific projects when the kids get a little older.
I'll be honest, I was getting a little emotional thinking of my little people being in school and working on school projects...
Where does the time go?