

Here is a prayer that I have been reading over and I wanted to share with you from my book of prayer by richard foster.

Loving God, I choose this day to be a servant. I yield my right to command and demand. I give up my need to manage and control. I relinquish all schemes of manipulation...
In Jesus' name,

I think that I have always been some one who wants to know what to expect and to control the situations that I am in, and my attitude can completely change in the process. But if motherhood has taught me anything thus far, it's that all of that just has to go out the window and I have to use any ounce of flexibility and the ability to go with the flow as I can possibly muster.
(Um, for all you fellow type A's out there, this is crazy hard to do isn't it?)
I am a work in progress, I guess you can only do your best, and as Maya Angelou says, "When you know better, you do better..."
(Or at least you give it the old college try...)