
A day with Ryder Rae

I always used to ask my friends that are moms what their days looked like. How did they structure it, what activities did they do with and without their kids, how did they get things done...

So one of my friends asked me recently what a day with Ryder looks like, so here is a little day in the life with Ryder Rae:

He wakes up at 6a for a feeding, I change him and then he goes back to sleep until 9a. He is sleeping through the night which makes life so wonderful. Usually I go back to sleep too.

Before he wakes up, I try to get dressed and get as ready for the day as I possibly can. (Make up and doing my hair does not happen regularly...) When he wakes up around 9a, I feed him, change him and get him dressed. He always has at least one EXPLOSIVE diaper in the morning around that time.

We then spend a couple of hours rotating him from his blanket on the floor, to being propped on my boppy pillow, then to his bouncy seat, to being held, to being in the baby bjorn. We have usually had at least one outfit change by noon due to my baby's "spitty" nature... We usually have at least two diaper changes during that time as well.

This is usually the part of the day that I try to run 1-2 errands and when he is happily propped, that is when I try to tackle some laundry and get some cleaning done. I also try to get some breakfast too. Sometimes we can get a walk in there as well. Sometimes he takes little naps too...

He goes down for another nap around 1p, after another feeding at noon, and at this point in the day, I do emailing and blogging and eat lunch and continue working on cleaning projects or scrap booking or editing photos or little things like that. At this time of day, I also get a game plan for dinner, so if I have to thaw anything or chop anything, I can do it while the baby is down. He wakes up around 3:30p and he eats again and then we go back to reading on the floor, trying to get him to roll over, practicing with our camera, because Ryder is my favorite to photograph. We also watch some HGTV and Parenthood reruns...

Kit gets home around 6p when I am feeding Ryder again and we try to eat dinner together but sometimes the little man wants to be held so he will sit in one of our laps. Kit lays him on the couch or on the floor and talks to him and makes his silly faces and it has turned into the time of the day that is set aside for the two of them. If there is any diaper after Kit gets home, he usually changes it because we average about 7-8 diapers a day.

We bath him and he has another feeding around 9p then he is down for the night. Kit is usually the one that puts him to bed.

I really am so thankful that I get to be home with him so much. I feel like he is just growing like crazy and I don't want to miss it. I have heard, and maybe I have already shared this, that in parenting, the days are long and years are short...
It really is so true!