
July Books

 Here are the books I read in July!
I found this book absolutely fascinating! It’s basically a book about discovering your chronotype (a person's natural inclination with regard to the times of day when they prefer to sleep or when they are most alert or energetic), and then determining the best time of day to complete your activities: waking up, eating, exercising, problem-solving at work, going to bed, etc. I found it so interesting and it has led to some fun discussions in our house.  You can take a test to see which chronotype you are before reading it.  Then as he discusses each type, you know which to tune into!
The kids both read this for school and I had never read it.  Such a sweet story.  A very quick read, but the story of asking yourself, "If I could choose to live forever, would I?" was such a good one.  I liked her simple character development and story line.  I see why this is required reading forour kids and I would recommend reading it with your kids.  Such good discussions!

This is my second book by this author. it’s another light hearted book version of a romantic comedy. This book had more steamy scenes than the previous one. This book had a theme of recovering from emotional and physical abuse, which I thought the author wrote really well. Overall I thought this was another good one by Abby!
This book was recommended to me as we have been watching the upcoming political race. Vance is the running mate of Trump and reading his story was really eye opening to me. I love hearing people’s stories and learning where they have come from. I thought this book was fascinating. I’ll be curious to see what happens in November. 


Off to Vacation!

We are in one of our favorite spots for a week with family! We love this place so much and can’t wait for all the memories we get to make!


LA Galaxy team bonding!

 Last week, while I was working, Kit took the kids to have a team bonding night for Eden’s team while watching an LA Galaxy game!

They had so much fun! I’m so thankful for all the memories that are being made for these kiddos!


a special time of prayer…

 Sharing a very special moment from Ryder’s tournament:


A Two-Tournament Kind of Weekend…

This last weekend, both kids had a tournament, Ryder in Oceanside, Eden in Irvine and Santa Monica. Kit and I divided up, sent updates and photos to each other and leaned on our teammates to get the kids where they needed to be. There was lots driving… Here are  a few snapshots of the weekend:
In Irvine:
Eden had a night game and it was really fun to play under the lights and out of the heat! She got to play in the field and that was SO fun to watch!
They took home the win!!!
In Oceanside:
After three days and five games, Ryder’s team also took
home the championship win!!!

So quick recap… Kit and I have SO many reasons to be proud of these two, who they are on and off the field.

Now I need a nap…



Working today…
These stairs are one of the spots where I pray over my day… 
Here we go!


a tiny date

 Last Friday night, we got to have a little date while the kids were at a youth conference. We had fish tacos and watched “Oppenheimer” and just enjoyed the evening together…

I love evenings like this!


youth conference

 Last Friday, the kids attended an evening youth conference at our church. There was a speaker and worship, and then games and food and hangout time! 

It was sweet they got to go together. I love their friendship.


training partners...

 These two have been training together, and I love it so much.  They encourage and challenge each other and I am watching their friendship grow! 

My favorite striker and goalie could not be more well matched to play together! They both have tournaments this weekend and I am so excited to watch them both play!



 Ryder is helping and tutoring Eden to prepare for her advanced math class in the Fall. Here is how he feels about it:

But on a serious note, they work so well together... For SO many reasons, I am so thankful that they have each other...


Inside Out 2

 Last week we saw the new Inside Out 2.  We had heard so many people love it and it absolutely lived up to the hype.  We LOVED it!

It seemed very timely for the age of my kids.  I was NOT counting on the amazing conversations we would have afterward about the different feelings and emotions.  We strongly recommend it!


Tournament weekend

Eden had a tournament in San Diego this weekend so that was where we were!  We were all there to cheer our favorite goalie on!

Staying in a hotel is always such a treat!

Also, brothers are the best…

It was a really sweet weekend connecting together, as well as with families from her team. Go Pats!


July 4th, 2024

 We had an amazing July 4th with our friends, doing traditions that we love, connecting with people that we love, and eating so much food!  We do not take for granted the sacrifices that were made so that we could enjoy the day, and the life that we do!

We started the day with breakfast at home:

We got to watch our parade with our dear friends that just moved to our neighborhood last summer. We love this family so much!

We got to cheer on one of our favorite teachers that was honored!

We headed to be with our friends to eat so much food and do sparklers and watch fireworks...
Fireworks for the win!
Also, Ryder has nailed his marshmallow s'more game...
This group is always such a gift to be with!  Our hearts were full and and very tired because we were together until 1 am!  