
Celebrating our Kit...

This last weekend we got to celebrate Kit for Father's Day and his birthday.  He is our favorite and I love that we get to take time to celebrate him!
Birthday doughnuts were a must!
Eden had a tournament so while she and I went to that:
Kit and Ryder went to church:
When we were all back at home together, we watched some soccer, took naps, went for a walk and then went to a Gen Korean BBQ for dinner.  We shared birthday affirmations and just laughed and talked together!
We hadn't been there as a family and we had SO much fun and the food was SO good!
We ended the night with opening presents and then doing a fire pit and talking.  The bunnies decided to join us too, even though it was chilly...
It was such a sweet day.  I love that we got to celebrate this man for ALL that he is to us!