
Mother's Day Weekend...

 The weekend was filled with sweet moments, in between soccer and church and all the responsibilities that actually pull at all mothers and parents...

On Friday I got to spend time with my family in Redlands to celebrate an early Mother's Day! We thrifted, ate, made cards, watched movies and just enjoyed being together!

On Saturday we were at two different soccer games, one of which was Eden's first friendly club scrimmage.  She was the starting goalie.  We lost 4-1, but the team was ranked 7th in the nation for our age group and division and had been together for over 2 years so we were great with all the learnings!

That night Eden had a birthday party at the beach for one of her new team mates. They had so much fun bonding!

Ryder hosted his first co-ed gathering with his close buddies from school.  He did a great job.

On Sunday, the kids went early to serve in Kids ministry with Kit and I took a quiet morning alone. 
 I walked and worked out and spent time with Jesus.
Church was a really sweet time together.
We came home and I was SPOILED!
We ate tacos and watched "The Boys in The Boat":
I napped while the kids made a huge pasta dinner:
The kids gave me an air fryer and the sweetest cards, a candle and some new t shirts. Then we went for a walk:
I was absolutely spoiled and felt so loved and pampered.  What an honor it is to be their mom and to belong to this family of mine.