
Celebrating accomplishments...

 Last week, both of the kids were recognized in their grades award ceremonies.  It was also Ryder's 8th grade promotion! We are so proud of these two.  We love that they have had an impact on their school and their classmates and to see how loved they are by their teachers and peers.

Ryder received the medallion for both leadership as well as men’s athlete of the year!

It was such an honor to celebrate him!
Eden was also celebrated in her class! She received the award for her achievements in Leadership in ASB.  She is so amazing and we are SO proud of this girl!
Her best friend also got an award and so because we love their family, we of course had to take photos:
Ryder’s promotion was so special…
Mia and Papa came to celebrate with us and Papa helped him with his tie:
Ryder was selected to be the class speaker and he absolutely killed it.
Ryder was given the American Legion Award.  We had no idea he would be the recipient and I cried. We are so proud of this kid!
I loved that he got to celebrate his promotion with his friends and I love that 99% of them will be going to the same high school!
We loved the evening and getting to celebrate this milestone!

This is the last week of school for our kiddos and I will tell you, I feel lots of emotions, but here we go.  Good things are coming!