
April Books

I found this summation of the book and I just loved. It was such a good read!

“In Things That Matter, Joshua Becker uses practical exercises, questions, insights from a nationwide survey, and success stories to give you the motivation you need to
• identify the pursuits that matter most to you
• align your dreams with your daily priorities
• recognize how money and possessions keep you from happiness
• become aware of how others’ opinions of you influence your choices
• embrace what you’re truly passionate about instead of planning that next escape
• figure out what to do with all those emails, notifications, and pings
• let go of past mistakes and debilitating habits
Things That Matter is a book about living well. It’s about overcoming the chatter of a world focused on all the wrong things. It’s about rethinking the common assumptions of today to find satisfaction and fulfillment tomorrow.
How do we get to the end of our lives with minimal regrets? We set aside lesser pursuits to seek lasting meaning. And we discover the joy of doing it every day.”
This was a beautifully heart warming as well as heart breaking story of a family over the course of multiple generations. The story focuses around four Italian sisters. I always love when characters are deeply developed and their relationships with one another intertwine with love and heartache.  In this story, there were twists and turns and highs and lows. It was a story of how they loved each other through each part of the journey.  Each chapter is from the perspective of a different character and covers the timeframe from 1960-2008. I am not doing it justice... It was rated a top read for 2023 on Amazon, and it covers over 400 pages with beautiful dialogue and narrative. I can absolutely see why this was a best seller and would absolutely recommend it!
Eden and her friends were reading this book series and so I joined in with them. I’ve read the first two and I'd describe them as a coming of age story that has beautifully developed characters and relationships and depth of narrative in the story telling.  There is teenage, emotional angst, and twists and turns.  I found myself cheering on some characters and angry at other. Even though they were written for the young adult audience, I have really enjoyed them, and I loved the happy ending!  I especially loved reading it with my Eden.❤︎
This was such a fun read!  It had awesome characters and a really fun story line with such a happy endingI  I kept thinking that it had a hint of Willy Wonka to it but it was about books instead of chocolate, a game with riddles and twists and incredible ending!  It was such a feel good read and I think Meg Shaffer is such a good story teller.
This was my second Nita Prose book, a continuation of "The Maid". The main character Molly is neurodivergent and how she looks at things so literally makes her the perfect person to solve the murders in the hotel where she is the head maid. This book alternates current day to when Molly was little and that helps her solve the murder mystery.  I loved it and I would absolutely recommend it!
I have found over these novels of fiction, I love when characters are developed and believable and that the narrative has a depth and meat to it.  This one checked those boxes.  It is a heartfelt story about a family that through heartache and joy, find each other after tragedy. The book is written in the alternating points of views the two main characters, Joe and Norma. The author successfully wrote the book with two separate "voices" which really drew me in .  I cried when I finished it. I would recommend it for sure!
I realized that I don't think I have ever read this classic and it was SO much better than any movie rendition! The stories were told with so much more depth and detail than what they have conveyed in the movies and I fell in love with the characters all over again and I am SO glad that I got to enjoy this classic!
(Also, I made a goal to read 25 books this year and this was my 25th book!)
This book came us as a recomendation to me and I was so glad that it it.  The author is a wellbeing expert who specializes in laughter therapy and positivity.  She teaches health promotion and action bases positivity that helps people enhance overall wellbeing and joy.  She shared so much science research about how we are wired for joy and tools to tap into it.  She is currently battling colon cancer and her outlook on life is so refreshing.  Her tools for utilizing mental reframing, gratitude and thankfulness, and actual breathing and laughter yoga practices are all designed to inspire the reader to see that joy is a gift that you have access. I would recommend this book!
This book surprised me.  I thought it would be a romance story, but it turned into a love story of friendship between the main character Dani and her best friend Bella.  I thought the way the author wrote their relationship was very sweet and authentic and I enjoyed the book more than I though that I would.  A quick read, but I enjoyed it!