
Soccer Weekend...

 This weekend both kids had soccer tournaments, Eden's in Downey, and Ryder's in Oceanside.   Add that we had Eden's birthday celebrations and the US women's game, there was LOTS happening.  Kit took Eden and I took Ryder.

Ryder's team had two losses but he played so well!

This weekend marks about a year since he participated in his first club tournament at the same place.  It caused so much reflection thinking about how much he has grown this year! He was new to club and now he is on the NPL team and is thriving and growing.  He has made the goal to be on the EA team by 2025, so he just keeps right on pushing!

Highlight was all of the car time.  It took us 2 hours to make a 1 hour drive and we talked and danced to old playlists... It was so good to connect with my kid!
Eden's team made it to the Championship.  They were able to take home the win! They fought so hard and we are SO proud of them! This is a very special group of girls and we love them and their families SO MUCH!
Eden’s besties!
Eden’s coach for the past several seasons who is also like family to us…
This tournament closed out our time with AYSO.  We will be investigating clubs and other opportunities that Eden would like to pursue as a goalie and I am so excited for her! We have been blessed by this community and never knew when we walked onto that first field back in 2015 that it would have brought so much richness to our lives through experiences and community and friendships.  So many fun things are coming and I love that we get a front row seat to it all for both of our kids!