
Eden's last elementary Christmas party 2022 (and some other fun...)

 Yesterday was SO full but so good.  Eden had her last elementary school Christmas party, Ryder had a get together after school with his buddies for a gift exchange, Eden had her goalie training, and we had our tradition of dinner at Avilas to kick off the Christmas holiday vacation.  I was up at 0400 with anticipation of the day, but coffee by the tree in the quiet morning is really a favorite of mine:

I loved that I got to be at her party.  I am feeling all of the nostalgia of the things coming to an end for these elementary years...
They payed games and made crafts...
We love her teacher!
Ryder headed to his hangout with his buddies, Eden headed to her goalie training.  
We also made a craft hat for our bunny.
Then ended the day at Avila's:
WE love their staff, their food, their atmosphere... 
Such a fun tradition for kicking off the holiday!
Today we have plans for making English toffee and seeing Christmas lights.  Traditions like these are so special for us.  I am excited for all that these next days hold for our family!