
Halloweekend Traditions 2022

 Happy Halloween! We had such fun this weekend.  Here were a few snapshots of our time together...

We made Korean tacos and they were SO good!

Carving and painting pumpkins.  Eden being the artist of the family that she is has decided she may never carve a pumpkin again because she loved painting it so much more!

Ryder's inspiration:

Eden's inspiration:

We finished costumes:
The kids fell asleep watching a movie:
We made pumpkin pancakes before church:
While Ryder was at a game with his team, Eden and I grabbed El Pollo Loco for a car picnic and then drove around to see halloween decorations:
We had the best talks while we drove around...
We came home and Eden and I made our spooky house... The walls did not want to stay up so we were so proud of making it as much as we did:
Today is Eden's school parade and class party and tonight our friends are coming over for pizza and then to trick or treat.  We are so excited about all of the festivities today and we can't wait to share all the memories with you!