
Last games and closing ceremonies...

 This last weekend, Ryder had his last season game and Eden had her last soccer game.  Eden played goalie and blocked over 15 goals.  It was her first time in that position and LOVED it! Then we had closing ceremonies for baseball.

I got my pin! Let's be honest, it's why we play sports...

This season was a hard one for our baseball family.  We ended the season with two wins.  We learned so much about ourselves as character was built on and off the field.  Man, the way a person handles losing tells you so much about that person.  Ryder is such a stud.  We have always encouraged him to find the people on the field that are better than he is, whether on the same or opposing team.  That can do two things: keeps you growing and keeps you humble.  He learned so much about himself, how he evaluated and made changes, and kept moving forward.  His attitude was always up and positive.  His perspective was always in check.  He is such a leader and such an amazing teammate...  We are looking forward to All Stars, continuing to find the people that encourage us to grow and stay humble.  His eyes are open to all the ways that he can be a better athlete o and off of the field. To our baseball family and community, we love you all so much!