
A special camping adventure

 Due to Covid, the 5th grade science camp was cancelled, so a few dads got together to plan time away over Spring Break to make memories and have a outdoor experience...

We got to use our Uncle Mike's rooftop tent:

They left a day early to go on a trip with our Grandi and Monkey Papa:
They may have bee spoiled with Uncle Mike's tent...
Grandi and Monkey Papa make everything amazing!
Then they headed to meet our buddies:
(It rained...)
Kit shared with me that on the way up, Ryder shared how with all the things that have been cancelled this year, the thing he missed the most were the things that he would do with his dad, like baseball practice and games and going away ad NOT being in a lock down...  The time filled BOTH of their cups and I was so grateful that they could have this time together!