
Chaperoning Fourth Grade Field Trips!

On Wednesday I got my name drawn to be one of three chaperones for Ryder's class for his field trip to Irvine Regional Park, as they studied the early Californian history and Gold Rush.
 Walking through their recreations of what time would be like back then...
 Ryder was thrown in jail...
 They rode the train and saw some things along the way...
 Just a typical day, waving at Junipero Serra... 
 Talking about what it was really like to work in a mine:
Panning for gold!
Ryder said he liked everything but this was one of his favorite parts of the trip...
 Learning about the people that made the trip out for a better life:
I loved getting to be with Ryder and his friends and it was so fun that we got to share this memory together...❤︎