
Easter 2019 part 1

To be honest, we have been in recovery mode from the amazing Easter weekend.  It has taken be a few days to get my thoughts in order because there were so many special moments...
On the morning of Good Friday, we had our tradition of reading the Easter story.  
Ryder and Eden asked such sweet questions, that led us to reading the Story in Genesis 3, where sin entered the world, and because he loved us, he gave us the choice to choose to love him, and that is what led him to the cross...
We had our good friday service.  we read the account of Jesus' death in the book of John.  
 I had the privilege to be one of the readers...
And of course we had helpers as we cleaned up and got ready to celebrate that he is RISEN!
How amazing is the HOPE and JOY that comes with the fact that Good Friday is not where the story ends.  The resurrection was coming... Indeed!
We had five services between Saturday night and Sunday.  Kit was hosting and we were both on for getting the honor of baptizing people. Our Grandi and Monkey Papa came to help love on our kiddos so that we could be present in everything at church.
I am so incredibly thankful for our staff and volunteers that make weekends like Easter happen.  It is a gift and an honor to serve with the community of friends and family that we have!
He is RISEN and in believing in that reality, there is hope and joy and wholeness.
He is RISEN! He is risen INDEED!