
Christmas Celebrations at Home...

Before we left for Shaver Lake, we celebrated our little family Christmas with our traditions that we wouldn't be able to easily duplicate up at the cabin. 
Drinking coffee out of my 1983 mug from my parents:
On December 22nd, we had our big breakfast with cinnamon rolls, sang happy birthday to Jesus, read the Christmas story and opened a few gifts.
Breakfast is always so GOOD!
Eden helped me decorate our placemats:
We read the Christmas story and we talked about the gift that God gave us in his son Jesus, and that's why we give gifts at Christmas, to remember God's love in his gift of Jesus:
Opening gifts:
The kids primarily opened their gifts at the cabin so they just opened a few things:
The kids had Christmas PJs and we took our photo by the tree.
We took our time. We didn't feel rushed. I felt like it anchored us in what the whole season is all about as we went into our Christmas Eve services.
It was so special to have those moments together as a family.  I hope that the kids will cherish them as much as Kit and I do...❤︎
Now we are off to play in the snow and have some family fun in Shaver!