

On our last Saturday before school started, we took a little family outing for lunch to Huntington Beach's Pacific City and to walk on the pier.
We ate lunch at Bear Flag for AMAZING fish tacos:
 The view was amazing! (the beach was nice too...❤︎)
 We got some coffee and Eden took the opportunity to put her feet up, because being 5 is tiring!
While making our way to the pier, we found building blocks and the kids had so much fun with them!
We got some daily Queen shakes and headed to the pier and watched a surfing competition.
(Also the people watching was AMAZING!)
I felt nostalgic the entire day, realizing our summer is over and how old I feel my kids are and how fast I think times is going... But in the midst of all those emotions, I was overwhlemed with gratitude for our life and all that we get to be part of as a family!  We have so much to be thankful for and days like these really shine light on how truly AMAZING our life is!❤︎